Warren Buffet Transcript

A copy of the entire transcript of Buffet's three hour interview:

“If you’re in a war, and we really are in an economic war, there’s a obligation to the majority to behave in ways to not go around inflaming the minority. If on Dec. 8, or maybe it was Dec. 7, when Roosevelt convened Congress to vote on the war. He didn’t say, ‘I’m throwing in about ten of my pet projects,’ and you didn't have congress people putting on 8,000 earmarks onto the declaration of war in 1941.” . . .

“Job one is to win the economic war. Job two is to win the economic war and Job 3. And you can’t expect people to unite behind you if you’re trying to jam a whole bunch of things down their throats. So I would absolutely say, for the interim until we get this one solved, I would not be pushing a lot of things that, that you know are contentious.”

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