Releasing prisoners from prison will have "no adverse impact on public safety"

One could make a few different arguments for releasing prisoners early from prison, but claiming that there will be "no adverse impact on public safety" is absurd. No increase in crime from reducing the penalty from committing crime? This is simply not serious. This quote is from the NY Times, which doesn't seem to have any problem with the claim.

The California prison system must reduce overcrowding by as many as 55,000 inmates within three years to provide a constitutional level of medical and mental health care, a federal three-judge panel tentatively ruled Monday.

Relying on expert testimony, the court ruled that the California prison system, the nation’s largest with more than 150,000 inmates, could reduce its population by shortening sentences, diverting nonviolent felons to county programs, giving inmates good behavior credits toward early release, and reforming parole, which they said would have no adverse impact on public safety. . . .

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Releasing prisoners from prison will have "no adverse impact on public safety"
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