Could you imagine if Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush had used a teleprompter to answer questions during a press conference? The late night joke writers wouldn't let this go until the president gave in to the merciless ridicule that he would face. The president would be painted as an idiot who couldn't tie his shoes without being feed instructions on how to do it.
While people who watched Obama's first national press conference noticed Obama's use of a teleprompter to give his initial presentation as well as in answering questions, the media and late night joke writers have completely ignored it. The American Spectator notes in many events: "down to many of the questions and the answers to those questions. Teleprompter screens at the events scrolled not only his opening remarks, but also statistics and information he could use to answer questions." Apparently, Obama is looking into installing a computer screen into the podium so that according to one Obama advisor: "It would make it easier for the comms guys to pass along information without being obvious about it." Obama's aids would put together answers to a large number of possible questions so as soon as a reporter asks a particular question the computer screen would flash talking points to remind Obama how he is supposed to respond to that question.
While people who watched Obama's first national press conference noticed Obama's use of a teleprompter to give his initial presentation as well as in answering questions, the media and late night joke writers have completely ignored it. The American Spectator notes in many events: "down to many of the questions and the answers to those questions. Teleprompter screens at the events scrolled not only his opening remarks, but also statistics and information he could use to answer questions." Apparently, Obama is looking into installing a computer screen into the podium so that according to one Obama advisor: "It would make it easier for the comms guys to pass along information without being obvious about it." Obama's aids would put together answers to a large number of possible questions so as soon as a reporter asks a particular question the computer screen would flash talking points to remind Obama how he is supposed to respond to that question.
Obama using teleprompter at press conferences: Where are the comedy routines?