How to lose money in Banking $45 billion has been lent to both Citi Bank and Bank of America and the combined Market Capitalization of these two banks is now $34.8 Billion. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts How the US subsidies Europe through the IMFNormally, the US share of the IMF costs are 17 percent, though it is my impression that the cost share here will be sigSo much for Obama's promise not to interfere with GM's business decisionsObviously this promise has already been broken multiple times, but now the Obama administration is interfering with GM'Prediction: France's economy will worsen relative to the rest of the EUWith Krugman and other Democrats claiming that austerity policies have been the problem in Europe, we will soon have a Greece misses deficit targetAny bets on whether even the current estimate for 2012 will prove estimate? This is a black hole for the EU and the USA lesson that the Obama administration hasn't learned regarding loans: Supply and Demand both matterI would also add that I don't think that most lenders want the government to "invest" in them. Others have learned theBogus Estimate of TARP losses falls to $25 billionThe CBO claims this supposedly good news:Reporting from Washington — The projected cost of the $700-billion financial b How to lose money in Banking 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar