‘Guns for vasectomy’ in the UAE

Unfortunately, men have been getting vasectomies to get a permit only to have the government renege on the promised permits. The discussion is here:

‘Guns for vasectomy’ deal turns sour
Shaikh Azizur Rahman, Foreign Correspondent
Last Updated: February 22. 2009 11:58PM UAE / February 22. 2009 7:58PM GMT

A government scheme offering fast-tracked gun permits to men who agree to undergo a vasectomy is being criticised by the men who say officials are reneging on the deal.

One year after it started, men in one of India’s most violent regions who underwent the procedure in order to arm themselves for protection are still waiting for their permits.

Vasectomy camps have been held across the country for several years as part of a solution to reduce India’s population, but they often fail to meet their targets because most men refuse to be sterilised, believing that the process strips them of their “manliness”.

But with the arrival of the “guns for vasectomy” scheme in Madhya Pradesh’s Shivpuri district, part of the Chambal Valley, there has been a surge in demand from men eager to get a gun to defend their families from regular attacks on villages by roving gangs of bandits.

Several men have complained that the promised gun permits have not been issued.
“I underwent the operation only for the gun licence,” Lalit Gupta told the Hindustan Times. “The announcement appears to have been a trick.” . . .

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‘Guns for vasectomy’ in the UAE
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