Reviews at Facebook of Freedomnomics Many are extremely nice, a few aren't, but I still appreciate people reading the book. The reviews are here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Another Review of FreedomnomicsIf you read "Freakonomics," Then you had better read "Freedomnomics: Why The Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked TheC-SPAN 2 tonight at 7 PM ESTI will be on CSPAN2 tonight for 46 minutes to discuss Freedomnomics.Another set of talksToday I had a fun debate on the DC gun ban case at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee. Richard Withers proviAnother Review of FreedomnomicsThis review by Nathan was somewhat mixed:I read it because I read Freakonomics, which, like other political (and semi-pTodd Zywicki posts nice review of Freedomnomics on Volokh.comTodd Zywicki writes a very nice review of my book at Reynolds was nice enough to post a link to Todd'sFreedomnomics Recommended as "Great Gift" for HolidaysCraig Newmark recommends Freedomnomics for Christmas presents. Reviews at Facebook of Freedomnomics 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar