This is very bad news for health care in the US

Daschle will be very good at getting the bad legislative changes through congress. This is very bad news.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle has accepted President-elect Barack Obama's offer to serve as secretary of Health and Human Services, according to an official familiar with the situation.

Atop HHS, Mr. Daschle is expected to play a key role in moving Mr. Obama's ambitious health care agenda through Congress. He was an early back of Mr. Obama's during the presidential primaries

As a veteran of Washington and of Capitol Hill, he brings knowledge about how to move legislation through Congress. He has a particular interest in health care and is co-author of a book published this year, "Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis." . . . .

One other question: doesn't Daschle have health care lobbying issues? Didn't Obama promise that there would be no lobbying related activities by his appointees.

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This is very bad news for health care in the US
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