O'Reilly and Ingraham on Minnesota Senate Vote Recount, Also Media Matters inaccuracies

From the November 13 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: There are 200 votes separating Senator Norm Coleman from his challenger Al Franken in Minnesota. There will be a recount, because Coleman's lead is so small, but now there ar charges of cheating. After the vote last week, Coleman lead Franken by 727 votes now the lead is down to about 200 votes with various things adding to 458 to Franken and taking 63 away from Coleman. He didn't get one vote, Coleman. So things are looking pretty shaky in Minnesota even more so because the guy in charge of the election, Mark Ritchie, said this:

[begin video clip]

CONTESSA BREWER (MSNBC anchor): Do you understand why the Coleman campaign is now questioning the integrity of the vote counting?

RITCHIE: Oh, I think that is normal campaign. Their goal is to win at any price.

[end video clip]

O'REILLY: That is pretty shocking. He is supposed to be impartial. But then it got even worse. When hours after making that statement Ritchie said this:

[begin video clip]

RITCHIE: I don't have any reaction to that because I didn't say that their campaign is willing to win at any price.

[end video clip]

O'REILLY: He just said it. Sounds like Barney Frank. Joining us now once again to analyze this Laura Ingraham.

You know. Now we are into the twilight zone. OK. Just like Barney Frank. We play the clip and the guy comes on anyd says that I didn't say what you just heard. But this guy is the secretary of state. He's in charge of overseeing this thing, and now we've been investigating it. Do you realize that since Election Day -- do you know, that since Election Day, Coleman didn't get -- they didn't find one vote for Coleman. He lost 47 or 67 votes. The other guy, Franken, they're finding votes all over the place -- in the trunks of cars --

INGRAHAM: Well, you know --

O'REILLY: -- you know, up in the tree. You know, and, I mean, everybody's watching this, so I don't know, can you -- do you think they can get away with it?

INGRAHAM: This is vote counting by David Copperfield. I mean, this is like a David Blaine illusionist finding votes everywhere.

Look, this is my rule of thumb, Bill. Anytime a Republican in a race like this is only winning by, let's say, a thousand votes or less, then you can bet that that Republican's going to end up losing that seat. It just always seems to work out this way, that -- that the election officials in the state where there's, you know, some type of dispute, always get into this kind of gray area, and -- and we find now that these votes -- these 504 votes -- came from three precincts -- just three precincts out of the whole state. That's staggering.

And as John Lott pointed out, Bill, in a great column he wrote that was in today's New York Post, the -- the numbers of votes they found -- found for -- for Cole -- for Franken, excuse me, since Election Day outpace the number they found for Obama by 2.5, OK? Two-point-nine times as many votes were found for all Democratic officials statewide.

O'REILLY: Well, but -- but here's the deal. Here's the deal.

INGRAHAM: Something doesn't add up there. It's very strange.

O'REILLY: Everything doesn't add up, not something. Everything doesn't add up. You're not finding any votes for the Republican guy? None?

INGRAHAM: No, of course not.

O'REILLY: You're taking votes away from the guy? And then, all of a sudden, as you pointed out, three -- and what are there, a thousand precincts? More than a thousand. Three, all right, heavily Democratic, they're kicking votes in like this. But here's the deal. If Franken gets in, that puts the Democrats over the 60 magic number. So, that -- that means it's every American, because this is a far-left loon we're looking at right here -- not Bill Clinton, Al Franken. He's a loon, OK? So, if he gets in, every American, every single person in this country is gonna be impacted. And I just -- see, I don't know what you do here.

If -- if the fix is in -- and you just heard the secretary of state -- the fix is in. What does Coleman do? Does he take it to the federal level? What does he do?

Media Matters has a transcript of the exchange between O'Reilly and Ingraham where they misquote O'Reilly and cuts out any material that points out the problems with Ritchie's comments. Just compare the beginning of the transcript that I have here with the beginning of their transcript.

Media Matters changes completely alter the impression created by O'Reilly's broadcast. Media Matters also edits the video to completely change the meaning of the exchange. Media Matters is taking O'Reilly's statement about Coleman not gaining a single vote completely out of context. O'Reilly was obviously just talking about their not being a net loss and not any net pick up for Coleman.

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O'Reilly and Ingraham on Minnesota Senate Vote Recount, Also Media Matters inaccuracies
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