New paper available on health insurance and health care quality

I have a new paper that I have just put up at the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) that I think that people will find interesting. You can download a copy of the paper here.

Uninsured Americans Vs. Insured Canadians: Who is More Satisfied with Their Health Care?

John R Lott
University of Maryland

The debate over government-provided insurance for Americans frequently makes two assumptions: that the uninsured are unsatisfied with the health care they receive and that government health insurance would improve the quality of care for the uninsured. This paper finds that the vast majority of uninsured Americans are satisfied with their health care. Indeed, only 2.3 percent of Americans are both uninsured and very dissatisfied with the quality of the medical care that they receive. The paper finds that Canadians are much closer to uninsured Americans than to insured Americans in their satisfaction with their health care. There is also little difference in the level of Americans' satisfaction with their health care based upon race, marital status, educational attainment, income, or political views. There is some difference in satisfaction based on age and between the most extreme levels of educational attainment.

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New paper available on health insurance and health care quality
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