New Op-ed up at Fox News: The tilt towards Democrats

My newest Fox News piece starts this way:

Is Barack Obama a uniter? Since the beginning of the Democratic primaries, unity has been one of his major themes. It proved a strong lure compared to the polarizing Hillary Clinton. That theme has also helped Obama blunt the undeniable bi-partisan record of John McCain.

But being a uniter takes some effort. It isn’t just about words. Republicans have pointed to Obama’s lack of bi-partisan accomplishments in either state or federal government. And even Obama’s presidential campaign indicates that he has a tin ear when it comes to dealing with those he disagrees with. One of the surest ways to anger others is not giving them a chance to air their views.

Obama’s list of heavy-handed actions is growing: . . .

It is very obvious that the Obama campaign is working over time flooding this site with pro-Obama comments. I guess that if you raise $750 million you can afford to hire some people to post comments multiple times. It is strange how many comments are being posted from Washington DC and Chicago with the same IP addresses. Does anyone else have a theory for this? I am not allowing multiple posts on the same point today.

Note also that Maureen Dowd was only temporarily replaced with reporters on the McCain plane. 1) She was replaced by reporters (she is not a reporter). Is Glamour magazine a news publication now? Will it publish anything in the days running up to the election. 2) She was later allowed back on.

In addition, while the editorial page at the WSJ is conservative, the news section is very similar to that at other newspapers.

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New Op-ed up at Fox News: The tilt towards Democrats
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