New Fox News Op-ed: The Battle Over Minnesota

My newest piece for Fox News starts off this way (it will be up later today):

Al Franken’s unusually large vote gain since the election has generated a lot of anger. Just correcting “typos” in how the votes were recorded have made the difference – reducing Coleman’s lead from 725 to 206 votes when Minnesota counties certified the votes on Monday, November 12th. Correcting these typos supposedly produced a net swing of 459 votes to Franken and took 60 votes from Coleman.

Last week, using the vote totals from Sunday, November 11th, I pointed out that Franken’s net gain was huge – “new votes for Franken from all the precincts is greater than adding together all the changes for all the precincts in the entire state for the presidential, congressional, and state house races combined.” One “precinct’s corrections accounted for a significantly larger net swing in votes between the parties than occurred for all the precincts in the entire state for the presidential, congressional, or state house races.”

The Minnesota’s leading newspaper, the Star Tribune, ran a story by Eric Ringham evaluating my numbers. Glenn Howatt, their editor for computer-assisted reporting, was quoted as saying, “[Lott’s] numbers are simply wrong.” He went on to say, “I don’t know what statistical calculation Lott was using, but Obama clearly got more from the corrections.” . . .

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New Fox News Op-ed: The Battle Over Minnesota
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