Why won't Obama just hand over his birth certificate?

This whole issue is just too bizarre to really believe that it could be true. Indeed, I feel as if this whole thing is some type of setup to make critics look like kooks right before the election. The claim is that Obama is not qualified to be president because he is not a natural-born citizen of the US -- that Obama does not actually have a birth certificate from Hawaii. That said, Obama's response is puzzling. Instead of just handing over his birth certificate, they have filed a protective order to prevent people from observing what is going on in the case and moved to dismiss the complaint. The other thing that is very strange is that the lawyer who filed it, Philip J. Berg, was a former Democratic deputy Attorney General for the state of Pennsylvania. Anyway, you can find Berg's website on this issue here:

Country is Headed to a Constitutional Crisis

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 10/06/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that Obama and Democratic National Committee [DNC] filed a Joint Motion for Protective Order to Stay Discovery Pending a Decision on the Motion to Dismiss (which was) filed on 09/24/08.

While legal, Berg stated he is “outraged as this is another attempt to hide the truth from the public; it is obvious that documents do not exist to prove that Obama is qualified to be President.” The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.

Their joint motion indicates a concerted effort to avoid the truth by attempting to delay the judicial process, although legal, by not resolving the issue presented: that is, whether Barack Obama meets the qualifications to be President.

It is obvious that Obama was born in Kenya and does not meet the “qualifications” to be President of the United States pursuant to our United States Constitution. Obama cannot produce a certified copy of his “Vault” [original long version] Birth Certificate from Hawaii because it does not exist.

UPDATE: I just want to emphasize what I wrote earlier: "Indeed, I feel as if this whole thing is some type of setup to make critics look like kooks right before the election." I really worry that this is a type of trap to discredit and demoralize those who oppose Obama.

UPDATE 2: For whatever it is worth, here is a rather long rambling discussion from the lawyer who has brought this lawsuit against Obama. I had no confidence before with this guy, and I have no more confidence with him after listening to this. My only questions are: What motivated this guy? Was he in league with the Obama people? (It is about one crazy thing that would explain why Obama wouldn't turn over his birth certificate.) Or was he simply a prominent Dem who went a little crazy? I don't know, but the whole thing seems very strange to me.

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Why won't Obama just hand over his birth certificate?
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