The's ads that are running in swing states These are hard hitting themes. Anyway, you can find more of a discussion of their ads here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts "Obama Maintains Overall Swing State Advertising Lead"McCain waited until right before the election to use his very limited advertising budget. Yet, even still Obama had moPalin is an awesome pick for VPI wrote back in June that Palin was my choice!Obama's campaign scrubs website of campaign promisesThe Washington Times has the story here:Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed, his transitiObama's campaign throws out 12,000 flags after his convention speechFox News has this story:John McCain’s presidential campaign prepared to chastise Democrats Saturday over leaving behindThis is very bad news for health care in the USDaschle will be very good at getting the bad legislative changes through congress. This is very bad news.Former SenateThis is pretty funny: Obama outragedFrom the Politico:Obama outraged at being accused of not supporting something he doesn't supportObama, on the trail in The's ads that are running in swing states 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar