On the Ellis Henican Show at 10:20 AM on Tuesday I will be on the Ellis Henican Show at 10:20 in the morning to discuss the bailout. His show is on SIRIUS 110. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Radio Shows This WeekMonday “The Scott Hennen Show” AM 1100 The Flag WZFG 11:30 a.m. EST hourThe Jason Lewis Show 8 to 9 PMMedia this coming weekTuesday at 9:30 AM EDT I will be on Fox News' Strategy Room. We will discuss my pieces "Obama Is Repeating the MistakeAppearing on Lars Larson Show at 7:30 PM EDT tonightLars will have me on his radio show tonight to discuss my Fox News piece on the Debt Ceiling deal.The Dennis Miller Posts interview on "The Danger of Gun-Free Zones"For those interested, I had an interview with Dennis Miller available here. Dennis was nice enough to have me on his sAppearing on the Jason Lewis Radio Show from 8 to 9 EDTYou can listen to the show here. Tonight we are going to be talking about gun ownership issues. In particular, we areUpcoming Radio InterviewsTuesday, June 1 Jeff Katz Show WXKS-AM Boston (1200) 8 AMKFYI 6:30 AM PDT/9:30 AM EDTWednesday, June 2KSFO with Brian S On the Ellis Henican Show at 10:20 AM on Tuesday 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar