Is this serious?: Obama campaign takes a new tack on William Ayers

From John Fund at the WSJ's Political Diary:
For the first time, Barack Obama's campaign is contending that its candidate "didn't know the history" behind William Ayers, the unrepentant member of the terrorist Weather Underground, when Mr. Ayers' hosted a key event at his Chicago home that launched Mr. Obama's political career in 1995.

"When he went, he certainly didn't know the history" behind the bombs that Mr. Ayers helped set, chief Obama strategist David Axelrod told CNN yesterday. "There's no evidence that they're close," he concluded, even as reports of their contacts over the years continue to mount.

For his part, Mr. Obama told radio host Tom Joyner yesterday that Mr. Ayers "engaged in these despicable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old. I served on a board with him."

Despite the desire of Team Obama to put the Ayers issue behind it, the story of the bomber who never repented (he told the New York Times in 2001 that he didn't regret setting bombs and wished he "had done more") isn't going away

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Is this serious?: Obama campaign takes a new tack on William Ayers
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