After Gwen Ifill, worry about Brokaw as moderator?

The Meet the Press interview is here:

MS. KENNEDY: Yeah, put my name on, yeah. No, "I know you're doing this to put your name on," that kind of thing. Yeah. No, there was a--you know, we reached out, obviously, I heard from my family, and I trust their judgment a lot. And then, you know, we went around and talked to a number of colleagues, groups, people who care, women, lots of different kinds of people, and then, you know, I did get a lot of unsolicited suggestions, a lot of people nominated themselves. Not you, but others, so, you know, your name came up.
MR. BROKAW: My name came up? In a dismissive and derisive fashion, of course.
MS. KENNEDY: Yeah, right.

Brokaw is the moderator of the next presidential debate.

NASHVILLE - Tom Brokaw will moderate the presidential debate Oct. 7 at Belmont University.

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced his selection today.

Brokaw is current host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and spent 21 years as anchor and managing editor of "NBC Nightly News."

The debate will be a town hall format, allowing the invited participants to ask the candidates questions.

The Gallup organization will choose the audience participants from undecided voters in Nashville.

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After Gwen Ifill, worry about Brokaw as moderator?
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