Was Pelosi trying to get the Republicans to vote against this bailout bill?

Apparently, most Republicans opposed the bailout in any case, but one wonders what Pelosi's motivation was to give this speech? The entire issue of Pelosi attacking the Republicans for not showing up for marking up the bill when they weren't even told where the meeting would take place is also bizarre. Calling the Republicans unpatriotic was bizarre. Despite the claims to the contrary, Republicans don't call Democrats unpatriotic. Yet, despite all the Democrats wailing about being called unpatriotic when they weren't called that here Pelosi explicitly calls Republicans unpatriotic for not showing up when they weren't even invited to the meeting.

When you listen to Pelosi's speech you really have to wonder what she was thinking. This was such a mean and partisan speech (not to mention just wrong) you almost have to believe that she did this speech to try to keep Republicans from voting for the bill.

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Was Pelosi trying to get the Republicans to vote against this bailout bill?
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