The Times-Picayune has this:
Gun, ammo sales are brisk ahead of storm
by Chris Kirkham and Brendan McCarthy, The Times-Picayune
Friday August 29, 2008, 9:32 PM
On what would normally be a slow summer weekday, the three employees at Gretna Gun Works Inc. frantically tended to a crush of customers admiring the racks of shotguns and rifles lined up behind the glass counter.
Among the patrons: a jewelry store owner from eastern New Orleans with plans to stand guard through Gustav; two uniformed Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office deputies inquiring about additional firearms; and an avid hunter who was in to pick up a 12-gauge he dropped off for cleaning.
"It's hurricane season, you definitely want it back now, right?" employee John DeRosier said with a grin as he handed the Beretta shotgun back to the owner.
In yet another sign of hardened sensibilities in post-Katrina New Orleans, managers of gun shops and sporting goods stores across the area report a spike in gun and ammunition sales this week. . . .
Firefighters and other emergency personnel required to stay behind are among the more frequent customers, store managers said.
"I just don't think people want to be caught with their pants down, " said Robby Lack of Destrehan, who was walking out of an Academy sporting goods store this week with ammunition for the shotgun and two pistols he owns, along with gasoline containers and other hurricane supplies. . . .
Kevin Griffin, a manager at the Jefferson Gun Outlet in Metairie, said crowds in the store this week resembled the first day of hunting season. Even though the storm's path is still up in the air, residents are buying ammunition just like necessities such as batteries and water, he said.
"It's just like any other hurricane supply, " Griffin said. "People are getting ready." . . .
Gun and Ammo Sales Soar before Hurricane hits, Interesting what people are getting the guns