22-year-old Citadel student defends himself with a gun against a person with a baseball bat

This story from Hilton Head Island:

Slow driving led to a confrontation between a 22-year-old Citadel student and an unidentified man involving a baseball bat and a pistol on Hilton Head Island on Thursday afternoon, according to a Beaufort County Sheriff's Office incident report.

The student, who was lost, had been driving slowly on Beach City Road looking for a doctor's office when he pulled into a parking lot to look at a map, according to the report.

A man driving a Porsche pulled in behind him and approached him carrying a baseball bat. The man was yelling about the student's driving.

The student pulled a Glock 23 pistol from his glove box and got out of his car, the report stated.

The man with the bat put his hands up, returned to the Porsche and drove away.

The student called the sheriff's office from his parents' Hilton Head home. He was not charged in the incident.

Thanks to Gus Cotey for the link.

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22-year-old Citadel student defends himself with a gun against a person with a baseball bat
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