See this here:
FAYETTEVILLE -- The recent murders of two Fort Bragg soldiers and a Cary woman have caught the attention of many people across North Carolina.
And in particular, it seems they've caught the interest of women who fear for their own safety.
Xochitl Skora, who recently signed up for a self-defense class, said it's something she’s planned on doing for a while. After hearing about the murders, she decided now was the time.
News 14 Carolina's Conan Gasque has more on the increased demand for firearms and other self-defense methods across the state.
"I thought this would be a good way to help me take care of myself instead of relying on someone else to defend me," she said.
And many other women are now making the same choice.
Weapons instructor Geary Chlebus used to teach a self-defense class at Jim's Pawn Shop once a month, but he said now it's in much higher demand. . . .
Cumberland County officials recently said that the number of women applying for gun permits is up 30 percent this year, compared with last year.
Many women getting concealed handgun permits in North Carolina