Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak (D-7th) Proves that he "supports" the Second Amendment by pointing to gun control that he supported

Extremely Liberal Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak from Pennsylvania recently became a co-sponsor of re-enacting the assault weapons ban (Sestak has a perfect liberal voting record so far in congress). Is this congressman just completely clueless on what the law actually involves? Sestak claims:

However, the fact of the matter is, we shouldn’t be asking our police to go into the community facing the same weapons that are being used by insurgents in Iraq. We don’t ask them to go into our streets against armored Bradley vehicles or Abrams Tanks out there. This should not be any different.

The fact that the assault weapons ban banned civilian versions of these guns doesn't seem to be known by a congressman who is co-sponsor of the legislation. Responding to a question about whether Sestak supports the Second Amendment offers this evidence that he does support it ("I am a proponent of Second Amendment Rights"):

I firmly believe in the rights of responsible Americans to own guns for sports, recreation and leisure activities. For example, when Congress worked on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Improvement Amendments Act in the wake of the terrible tragedy at Virginia Tech, . . . . That common-sense legislation, which restricts those who are mentally ill from purchasing or owning a gun, passed with large bipartisan consent and was subsequently signed by the President into law.

Translation: I support the Second Amendment as evidence I support gun control. He claims that supporting this regulation, which by the way wouldn't have stopped the attack at VT because it had nothing to do with banning the guy who committed the attack, was pro-gun because the NRA, which was responding to the political wave after the attack, also supported it.

Sestek's extreme liberal voting record can also be seen from other congressional voting indexes. The liberal League of Conservation Voters says that he has a perfect liberal voting record on environmental issues. The liberal Americans for Democratic Action indicates that he has a virtually perfect liberal voting record (one vote less than perfect). Perfect liberal voting records are also indicated by the AFL-CIO and the Chamber of Commerce.

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Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak (D-7th) Proves that he "supports" the Second Amendment by pointing to gun control that he supported
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