Chicago Alderman Pushes for Handgun Amnesty

The most interesting thing to me is that there are apparently claimed to be thousands of Chicagoans who have lapsed paying their fees for their handguns. The note from the Chicago Tribune is here:

Ald. Richard Mell got a City Council committee to approve a change to a Chicago law on his behalf Wednesday, but argued it would benefit thousands of other city residents who, like him, simply failed to renew their gun licenses.

"It was probably good I didn’t [renew], because there are an awful lot of other citizens" who had the same problem, Mell (33rd) said after the Police and Fire Committee approved an amendment to the gun registration ordinance. The change would allow those whose registration lapsed to renew at a slightly higher fee. . . .

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Chicago Alderman Pushes for Handgun Amnesty
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