Thursday is the big day for whether government we will see all sorts of new government predictions to protect polar bears

With a growing number of Polar Bears and more bears than there were a 50 years ago, this seems like a hard sell, but we will have to see what the courts decided:

Thursday is the deadline set by a federal judge in Alaska for the Fish and Wildlife Service to decide whether the polar bear is a threatened or endangered species.

All the evidence shows the polar bear doesn’t need his help.

Environmental groups petitioned for such a listing and sued when a decision was not forthcoming by the deadline. They claimed that global warming had already diminished polar ice, would continue to do so and doom the estimated 23,000 or so bears to extinction by perhaps 2050.

If the bears were listed, the service would be obliged to designate “critical habitat.” The Endangered Species Act provides that each federal agency would have to ‘insure that any action authorized, funded or carried out by such agency is not likely to jeopardize any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification (our italics) of (critical) habitat of such species.” . . .

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Thursday is the big day for whether government we will see all sorts of new government predictions to protect polar bears
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