WTOP reports:
FAIRFAX, Va. - Since the tragedy at Virginia Tech in April of 2007, the debate about whether students, teachers and faculty members should be allowed to carry guns on campus has received a lot of attention.
This week, that debate comes to George Mason University.
The College Republicans and Students for Concealed Carry will hold a symposium about gun ownership, personal safety and the rules for guns on campus. Monica Block, a junior and chairman of the organization, has been pushing for a policy change.
"If only the bad guys have guns, how are you going to protect yourself?"
GMU has a strict ban on guns and School Spokesman Dan Walsch says that is not likely to change. He says anyone not affiliated with the university who carries a gun on campus -- even with a permit -- will be asked to leave.
"There was a little ambiguity in our policy prior to Virginia Tech, and this hopefully helped erase any doubts as to where we are coming from."
There will be two gun advocates speaking on campus this week. Professor John Lott, author of "More Gun, Less Crime," will speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday. . . .
Talk at GMU on Wednesday Night