The Mail Tribune reports:
Of course, this defeats part of the purpose of having concealed handguns, where the identity of who has the permit is unknown.
The Mail Tribune is entitled to the list of concealed handgun licenses issued in Jackson County that it sought from Sheriff Mike Winters, according to an opinion issued Friday by Jackson County Circuit Court Judge G. Philip Arnold.
"We were confident all along that concealed weapon permits are public records," said Editor Bob Hunter. "They've always been public records."
The newspaper asked for a list of concealed weapons permits issued in 2006 and 2007 in Jackson County about eight months ago as part of an investigation into news that a South Medford High School teacher had such a permit and wanted to carry her gun at school. . . .
Of course, this defeats part of the purpose of having concealed handguns, where the identity of who has the permit is unknown.
Southern Oregon Newspaper Fighting to Get List of Conceal Carry Permits