Rush just mentioned this on his show. I have heard others make a similar claim. Even if it is a few seats less than this, Republicans will not be able to block anything in the Senate.
There's an 80% chance the Democrats are going to have 60 seats in the Senate following the November elections, eighty percent chance. But, folks, even if they don't get 60 seats, there are enough liberal Republicans that if they only get 56, 57 seats, there are enough liberal Republicans to give them 60 votes on any issue, which means that let's say Senator McCain does win, doesn't matter what judges he appoints. Not going to matter what he does on tax cuts. Not in the Senate. They're going to have 60 votes and be able to defeat any legislative initiative he wants unless it's something they want. . . .
Rush Limbaugh Predicts that 80 percent chance that the Dems will have 60 seats in Senate this November