Pilot discharged for accidental gun discharge

The final outcome of the pilot who accidentally discharged his handgun when he was re-installing the trigger lock on his gun is discussed here:

A US Airways pilot who said he accidentally discharged a pistol in the cockpit during a flight has been fired.

The pilot, Capt. James Langenhahn, 55, of Franklin Park, reportedly told avaiation officials that his .40-caliber pistol accidentally discharged March 22.

The shot was fired while Capt. Langenhahn was stowing weapon as the jet prepared to land in Charlotte, N.C. Damage was limited to a bullet hole in the left side of the fuselage.

Scott Theuer, spokesman for the newly validated US Airlines Pilots Association, said the union had heard about the pending firing.

"We will fight it vigorously," Mr. Theuer said.

The incident is the first to be reported since 2002 when pilots were permitted to be armed. Those who carry firearms have been trained through the Federal Deck Officer program.

The incredibly dumb TSA rule that requires a trigger lock be put on loaded guns is what is to blame. There is a reason why trigger lock makers warn people not to instill trigger locks on loaded guns.

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Pilot discharged for accidental gun discharge
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