From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are smashing spending records with a statewide barrage of television ads as they near the finish line of their six-week marathon.
Obama is outspending Clinton by more than 2-to-1 on television ads in Pennsylvania during the final week before Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary, according to ad tracking sources and Tribune-Review research.
He had been outspending her by about 3-to-1 before she started pouring more money into TV spots last week. Clinton hopes to gain fresh momentum with a Pennsylvania victory, and Obama hopes to make the Keystone State her last stand.
Obama, who trails Clinton in most statewide polls, spent about $3 million on TV in the final week; Clinton spent nearly $1.4 million, according to The Campaign Group, an independent media consulting firm. In the Pittsburgh market, Obama bought nearly $500,000 in spots, compared with about $203,000 for Clinton. In the Philadelphia market, Obama is spending nearly $1.8 million on TV; Clinton, $865,000.
Media experts consider $1 million spent over a week on television in Pennsylvania a strong buy. . . .
Obama trying for Knockout blow in Pennsylvania