McCain's attack on the North Carolina Republican party last week was not only factually wrong, but those types of attacks may help ensure that if McCain wins, he will have massive Democratic majorities in congress to deal with. McCain's attack on the North Carolina Republican party and his references to their ad as being racist were completely uncalled for (the ad was very factually showing a clip of one of Rev. Wright's sermons and a picture of Obama and Wright together), but I am sure that it probably hurt the Republicans nationally as much as it might have helped McCain. The WSJ has some poll numbers that McCain might want to keep in mind:
Only 27% of voters have positive views of the Republican Party, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the lowest level for either party in the survey's nearly two-decade history.
Yet the party's probable presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, continues to run nearly even with Democratic rivals Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. His standing so far makes for a more competitive race for the White House than would be expected for Republicans, who face an electorate that overwhelmingly believes the country is headed in the wrong direction under President Bush. . . .
McCain's risky strategy