States for and against the view that there is an individual right to own guns

31 to 5 sounds pretty lopsided, but when you look at the map you get a better idea how lopsided those numbers are. Those who oppose an individual right to own guns are (with the exception of Hawaii) all in a very small section of the country. By contrast, from the Northeast to the South to the Midwest to the Mountain States and to the West, there are states that support the view that people have a right to own a gun. The surprise is that states such as Vermont, Maine, Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee and North Carolina didn't join in also, though I think that there is a Democratic Attorney General effect that explains what happened in those states. All the states that argued that there is not an individual right have Democratic Attorney Generals. All but one of the states that chose not to take sides have Democratic Attorney Generals (Wisconsin is the one exception). Most Democratic Attorney Generals are either neutral or against recognizing an individual right. My guess is that if those AGs were Republicans, we would have even more than the 31 states that signed onto the brief that people have a right to protect themselves.

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States for and against the view that there is an individual right to own guns
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