So why wouldn't this count as a campaign contribution?

My guess is that with Clinton far ahead of Obama in the Florida polls Clinton people want a Florida revote much more than Obama's. Do you think that Obama's people would donate money to have another revote in Florida with at least one poll showing Clinton up by 19 points in the state? The same pollster talked about Michigan where the two candidates were now tied. If you are a Clinton supporter, would you give money to Florida or Michigan? If it is that self serving to the candidate, why wouldn't this money count as a donation? If Obama gets ahead in Michigan, you could get Obama's people funding Michigan and Clinton's funding Florida. In any case, this article in the WSJ shows how difficult it is to regulate political donations.

With the national party and the states refusing to cover the multimillion-dollar tab for new contests, party activists are floating the idea of tapping into the flush Democratic donor network to pay for revotes. . . .

And even rerunning the primaries in Florida and Michigan may not avert a credentials fight between supporters of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, insiders predict.

But a revote funded by donors -- including unions, individuals and activist groups -- could help break the standoff between the two states and the national party. "If we were in a position where we were looking for money to fund a caucus, would we welcome someone else's cash? I assume so," says Michigan party spokesman Liz Kerr. . . .

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So why wouldn't this count as a campaign contribution?
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