Can Corzine pay for the Florida and Michigan elections?

I am not sure that Corzine can legally contribute a large amount of money to redo these votes. I believe that since it is a federal election it comes under the McCain-Feingold regulations:

NBC News has learned that New Jersey's Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine is willing to raise money to pay for a "redo" of both the Florida and Michigan primaries.

Both states violated Democratic Party rules by holding early primaries and have been penalized with the loss of their delegate votes during the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August.

Apparently because both states voted for Hillary Clinton, Corzine, along with neighboring Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell -- both strong Clinton supporters -- have agreed to make the offer to help foot the bill for a redo of the primaries. . . .

Corzine, a retired Goldman Sachs chairman, would likely contribute some of his own fortune to a redo of the primaries, since he spent well over $100 million in personal funds in successful bids for the U.S. Senate in 2000, and for Governor in 2005.

Thanks to Gus Cotey for sending me this link. I had listened to Meet the Press yesterday and heard Rendell making this claim.

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Can Corzine pay for the Florida and Michigan elections?
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