Bob Barr running for President as a Libertarian?

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution breaks this story:

On an Internet site called Anti-War Radio, former Georgia congressman Bob Barr confirmed on Wednesday that he’s “very seriously” looking at joining the race for the White House as a Libertarian — and had harsh words for both the Iraq war and for the Bush Administration’s defense of “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Many thanks to blogger Jason Pye for passing on word of the interview.

On a presidential run, Barr said:

“There’s been a tremendous expressed to me both directly and indirectly on the Internet. I take that support very seriously, and I think it also reflects a great deal of dissatisfaction with the current candidates and the current two-party system. So it is something, to be honest with you, that I’m looking very seriously at.”

Barr said a Libertarian candidacy would essentially be an extension of the Ron Paul campaign. . . .

Barr on the ballot could hurt McCain. I like Bob a lot and know him personally. Bob can't win, though it would be nice if he could educate people. If Bob could win, I would vote for him in a second. Bob is a better candidate than Ron Paul. I just don't think that I could vote for him though if it would help Obama win.

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Bob Barr running for President as a Libertarian?
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