Iowa Concealed Carry Changes in the Works

While Iowa allows police discretion on who to grant concealed handgun permits, the vast majority of police there have been very willing to grant permits. The permitting rate in the state almost looks like that of a regular right-to-carry state. Yet, apparently, there are some problem areas and some members of the state legislature are moving to make the process of granting permits more automatic. The Telegraph Herald in Dubuque, Iowa had this to say:

Friday, February 29, 2008
Sheriff opposes concealed-weapons changes
Proposed bill would take away sheriffs' discretion on permits
By MATTHEW RYNO TH staff writer

. . . Iowa state Rep. Clel Baudler, R-Greenfield, a ranking member of the House Public Safety Committee, hopes to bring a house file with about 40 co-sponsors into a vote to change Iowa Code. The bill also would set a standard for gun training across the state for those seeking concealed-weapons permits. . . .

A sheriff interviewed about the process noted:

[Dubuque County Sheriff Ken Runde] cited permit-issuance statistics and said, "I talk to each individual person who applies for a permit. If they tell me (a concealed weapon) is needed to take money to the bank and for their business, then I give it to them for that reason. But I just won't give you a concealed-weapon permit if you think your neighborhood is unsafe. . . .

Dubuque appears to be one of the most restrictive counties in the state and the sheriff opposes making the process more objective. I guess I would think that it is not just money that is worth protecting. Poorer people in unsafe areas, not just wealthy businessmen who carry a lot of cash, also deserved protection.

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Iowa Concealed Carry Changes in the Works
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