Why do people think that the economy is doing worse than it is? The U.S. economy by most markers is performing admirably. According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, we have had 49 consecutive months of job growth. Unemployment is at a historic low of 4.7 percent, the average number of jobs created is holding steady at around 100,000 per month and real after-tax personal income has increased by 12.5 percent. Yet, according to a CNN poll, half of Americans think the country is in a recession. As Larry Elder writes today at TownHall.com, the reason can be found in the way that the media portray the economy. And that portrayal differs dramatically when a Republican is in office as opposed to a Democrat. . . . . abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts You can determine for yourself whether Politifact is agreeing with a Fox News piece I wrotePolitifact rates the following statement as "half true." "Having an entirely Democrat congressional delegation inNew Fox News piece: David Brock, Media Matters and gun control hypocrisyMy newest piece at Fox News starts this way:David, say it isn't so! The news from the Daily Caller website is surprisin"'Daily Show' Exposes Liberal Columnist's Hypocrisy On Civil Discourse"John Oliver talks to Froma Harrop, the president of the National Conference of Editorial Writers, to find out how to reMedia Ignores Michelle Obama’s Expensive Wardrobe For Years, but is Suddenly Interested in Ann Romney’s Pricey ClothesGatewaypundit has the story available here.Politico’s Tim Mak thinks that it is ‘some jokes’ to say that Palin is a “retard producing c*** ”Greta Van Susteren has a great post where she talks about a conversation that she had with Politico’s Tim Mak. WouCNN driving me nutsI am stuck listening to CNN today, and over and over again they are talking about the Buffet Rule and how it is only tr Why do people think that the economy is doing worse than it is? 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar