Students at Virginia Colleges Push to carry concealed handguns RICHMOND — College students are pushing for their schools to allow them to carry guns on campus, saying they should have the right to protect themselves in a situation like the one in which 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty were fatally shot. . . . . abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts The continuing debate over concealed carry in IllinoisWith Illinois the only state that still bans concealed carry, it will again reexamine the issue. The Family and PersSame day concealed handgun permit renewals in FloridaFrom the Herald Tribune:Florida is speeding up the process for renewing concealed weapons permits to meet a growing demNewest piece at National Review: It’s Not About Stand Your Ground: we should reserve judgment, but it seems that Zimmerman acted lawfullyMy newest piece at National Review starts this way:President Obama, Jesse Jackson, and others have chosen to persoMaryland District Judge says that restrictive concealed handgun ban violates Second AmendmentFrom Fox News:Maryland residents do not have to provide a "good and substantial reason" to legally own a handgun, a fedCongressional Democrats from Florida sponsor Resolution blaming Trayvon Martin's shooting on "Racial Bias"Racial bias? Where is the evidence of that? This resolution selectively picks that some parts of Zimmerman's statemenMichigan moves to get rid of gun-free zones for concealed carryConcealed carry permit holders are currently allowed to openly carry their guns in "gun-free zones," so these gun-free Students at Virginia Colleges Push to carry concealed handguns 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar