Ann Coulter reviews my new book Freedomnomics Just in time for the Fourth of July, John Lott, author of the groundbreaking 1998 book "More Guns, Less Crime," has released another amazing book: "Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't." This book provides studies and analysis proving that your every right-wing instinct is based on sound economic analysis. . . .Thanks, Ann! abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Video of Puget Sound Federalist Society Talk on FreedomnomicsA video of my recent talk at the Puget Sound Federalist Society that was done by TV Washington can be seen here. This Homosexual books and sexually explicit books not listed on Amazon's general rankings listThe left is outraged by this. Yet, it seems to me perfectly natural that a company wants to do what its customers wantAnother Review of FreedomnomicsIf you read "Freakonomics," Then you had better read "Freedomnomics: Why The Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked TheMore Talks todayAt noon I will be speaking at Lewis & Clark Law School.At 4 PM I will be speaking at Willamette Law School.Both talks wHigher Prices, Lower Sales: It works even for musicIf you understand that demand curves slope downward, you will understand all of economics that it is worthwhile to undeBook signing todayBook signing this evening in Annapolis:John Lott, an economist and author, will sign copies of his new book "Freedomnom Ann Coulter reviews my new book Freedomnomics 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar