New Op-ed Moore's Myths Sicko Only 2 percent of Americans are both uninsured and "very dissatisfied" with "the quality of the health care that [they] receive." Another 2 percent were both uninsured and "somewhat dissatisfied." . . . abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts 30% of companies say they’ll stop offering health insurance coverage because of ObamacareFrom Market Watch:Once provisions of the Affordable Care Act start to kick in during 2014, at least three of every 10 eSo much for Obamacare controlling the price of health insuranceInsurance premiums have grown at a much faster rate after the reform changes have started to kick in. From the FinanciObama administration explains whether the health care taxes are a tax or notThe limits to using an executive order to stop ObamacareWith Republican candidates promising to issue an executive order to stop Obamacare, a Congressional Research Service reObama administration continuing to use false numbers about how concentrated the insurance industry isFor an explanation why the claims in the middle of this clip about how concentrated the insurance industry is are wrongNew Fox News piece: LOTT'S NUMBERS: Happy Days Aren't Quite Here AgainMy new piece at Fox News starts this way:With the Dow Jones Industrial Average reaching 10,000, Americans are feeling w New Op-ed Moore's Myths Sicko 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar