Student asks for class to be held off campus to be safer "On Monday, as the news of the Virginia Tech shootings was unfolding, I went into my advanced constitutional law seminar to find one of my students upset. My student, Tara Wyllie, has a permit to carry a gun in Tennessee, but she isn't allowed to have a weapon on campus. That left her feeling unsafe. "Why couldn't we meet off campus today?" she asked." . . . abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Only in Sweden?Only in Sweden would someone worry that they might be breaking the law, contact the authorities to tell them what they The Economist magazine misreads Gary Becker's economics of crime paperFor Gary Becker the point of criminal penalties was not to drive crime rates towards zero. The point was to make sure t"Akron Woman Scares Off Sex Offender with Gun"Woman's warning shot scares away rapist.Shirley Bennett, of Akron, says she never wanted a gun in her house when her chNewest Fox News piece: Media Silence Is Deafening About Important Gun NewsMy newest piece starts this way:Murder and violent crime rates were supposed to soar after the Supreme Court struck dowRacist attack at McDonald'sThis is a horrible attack that apparently took place in Baltimore. I found it very difficult to watch. The video is aA case where just the threat of a gun may have saved a lifeWatch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.comAn interview with GoProud's Jimmy LaSalvia.Thanks to Nikki Goeser for a Student asks for class to be held off campus to be safer 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar