More on Pregnant woman who defended herself with a gun A video report of the pregnant Minneapolis woman who used a gun to protect herself and her two year old is here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts "Phoenix boy, 14, shoots armed intruder while watching three younger siblings"From Fox News: . . . The teen and his brothers and sisters were at home alone at their residence at 55th Avenue an"Iowa congressman, family fight off home invader"Even the families of some Democratic Congressman own guns. From CBS News:A home invasion at Rep. Leonard Boswell's Iow"Castle doctrine clears two arrested in St. Louis fatal shooting"If someone breaks into your home and attacks you, how far should you have to retreat before you can fire your gun in seSeveral Self-Defense storiesThe first two cases took place in North Carolina. Home-invasion shooting 'clearly self-defense' Charlotte-Mecklenburg Charges "rare" against those who shoot intrudersAt least in Virginia, the castle doctrine is the de facto standard. What is the law differs from what juries are going"I’ll buy another gun, vows senior who lost his after shooting intruder"Here are two defensive gun use stories. I have frequently seen that felons what their right to have a gun restored m More on Pregnant woman who defended herself with a gun 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar