I have read this discussion a couple of times and it is not clear to me what the answer is. From the quote itself, it appears that Senator Webb does carry a gun around the Senate or at least wants to give others that impression.
But Webb did shoot down rumors that he carries a gun in the Capitol complex.
"I believe that it's important — it's important for me, personally, and for a lot of people in the situation that I'm in, to be able to defend myself and my family," Webb said. "Since 9/11 for people who are in government I think in general there has been an agreement that it's a more dangerous time. Again, I'm not going to comment, again, with great specificity about how I defend myself, but I do feel that I have that right." . . .
"I believe that it's important — it's important for me, personally, and for a lot of people in the situation that I'm in, to be able to defend myself and my family," Webb said. "Since 9/11 for people who are in government I think in general there has been an agreement that it's a more dangerous time. Again, I'm not going to comment, again, with great specificity about how I defend myself, but I do feel that I have that right." . . .
Senator Webb on Carrying a Gun For Personal Protection