"Idaho Mayor Withdraws From Bloomberg's Gun Group"

An Idaho mayor has dropped out of Mayor Bloomberg's coalition against illegal guns, city officials said.

The mayor of Idaho Falls, Jared Mr. Bloomberg's coalition in October, but withdrew earlier this month because of pressure from constituents and what he told a local news organization was a sense that the coalition had an " agenda" of preventing guns from entering the hands even of law-abiding gun owners. The coalition is called Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Mr. Fuhriman declined to comment for this article.

"I found there's probably a little more of an agenda coming from Mayor Bloomberg's office than I anticipated," he told Channel 3, KIDK, on January 2. "So as I looked into it, I could see there was a conflict with the NRA and some of the beliefs we have here in Idaho." . . . .

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"Idaho Mayor Withdraws From Bloomberg's Gun Group"
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