Is Arizona trying to outlaw some types of private self defense?

"'Patrolling to detect alleged illegal activity' while carrying any weapon would be felony" . . . .

An Arizona lawmaker has introduced a bill to revise the state's statutes on organized crime and fraud by defining "domestic terrorism" in such a way that members of the Minuteman Project or other border-patrol groups could be prosecuted and forced to serve a minimum six-month jail term. . . . .

My question is whether this law is so broad that it would make it a crime to hire guards at you store. I haven't read the law, but at least what this article describes would include this also. Would a concealed handgun permit holder be included? After all, would not a concealed handgun permit holder be said to be on guard for detecting illegal activity?

Thanks to James Marie for sending this link to me.

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Is Arizona trying to outlaw some types of private self defense?
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