It sounds as if you are going to jail if "Hounds . . . [kill] a fox by accident."" I would be interested to see how many hunts there were before the law change, but it is interesting to see how many people are still willing to risk going to jail to continue their traditions.
Countryside groups say more than 200 hunts are due to meet - nearly two years after hunting with hounds was made illegal in England and Wales.
Hunting foxes with dogs was banned in February 2005 but hounds can still be used at meets to follow a scent.
Two dogs can flush out a fox and it can then be killed by a bird of prey or shot. Hounds have also reportedly killed a fox by accident.
Anti-hunting groups say they will be out looking for any illegal activity. . . .
Hunting foxes with dogs was banned in February 2005 but hounds can still be used at meets to follow a scent.
Two dogs can flush out a fox and it can then be killed by a bird of prey or shot. Hounds have also reportedly killed a fox by accident.
Anti-hunting groups say they will be out looking for any illegal activity. . . .
Despite legal risks, Fox hunting will still occur in England this coming week