Sarbanes-Oxley might get Al Gore

This is pretty ironic. Liberal Democrats pushed hard for Sarbanes-Oxley, which has made corporate board members so risk averse because of the liability that they now face. The irony here would be if Sarbanes-Oxley got a liberal politician in a lot of trouble. I don't think that Gore should be in trouble for these types of violations, but then again it would be nice if he at least called for getting rid of the law entirely (I really doubt that will happen).

Everyone knows the former Veep is on Apple's board, but he's also on the board's compensation committee. That raises the odds that he could land on the hot-seat if it turns out that Apple's stock options "irregularities" are of the sort that lead to civil or even criminal charges. In fact, former members of the comp committee at Mercury Interactive were notified by the SEC in June that they're likely to face civil charges. With that instance in mind, one SEC expert who requested anonymity says: “If there’s a problem at Apple, Gore's globe is going to be warming.” Call it An Inconvenient Truth. . . . .

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Sarbanes-Oxley might get Al Gore
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