New Orleans high crime rate has been transfered to other cities as its former residents have moved.
The murder rate in the Texan city has soared by almost 20 per cent since 150,000 Katrina evacuees arrived in August last year. According to police
statistics, they are involved - as victim or killer - in one of every five homicides.
In the gun stores and on the shooting ranges of America's oil industry capital, business is booming as fearful locals take their defence into their own hands and buy concealed weapons licences that allow them to travel armed. . . . . .
This is something that I don't believe that I have seen studied in an academic paper. Steve Bronars and I have a paper on geographical movement of crime in the May 1998 AER, but that is the closest thing that I know of.
statistics, they are involved - as victim or killer - in one of every five homicides.
In the gun stores and on the shooting ranges of America's oil industry capital, business is booming as fearful locals take their defence into their own hands and buy concealed weapons licences that allow them to travel armed. . . . . .
This is something that I don't believe that I have seen studied in an academic paper. Steve Bronars and I have a paper on geographical movement of crime in the May 1998 AER, but that is the closest thing that I know of.
Katrina residents have taken crime with them