Former Congressman Tom DeLay will not be allowed to get back his Concealed Handgun Permit because of bogus money laundering charge

This is one case when an out of control DA in Austin actually endangers someone's life. On top of all the other injustices facing DeLay, this is one case where publicity about who has a permit is unjustified and dangerous. Why publicize that such a well-known person has been disarmed?

If a Thursday court ruling does wind up forcing Tom DeLay to run for Congress again, he’ll have to do so without his gun.

DeLay’s appeal of an October 2005 order by the Texas Department of Public Safety, suspending his concealed handgun permit, has fallen apart.

DPS sought the suspension after DeLay was charged in the fall of 2005 along with associates John Colyandro and Jim Ellis in two separate indictments alleging criminal conspiracy and money laundering.

The retired congressman lost the right to carry a concealed weapon in Texas due to provisions in state Senate Bill 588, passed into law in 1999, which says a state resident can’t carry a concealed handgun if he or she “is charged with … a felony under an information or indictment.”

Based on the charges pending against DeLay in Travis County, DPS said in court records, it suspended his concealed weapon license and notified him of that decision in an Oct. 28, 2005, letter.

An attorney for DeLay requested a hearing on the merits of the DPS order, which Fort Bend County Justice of the Peace Jim Richard held on Jan. 26.

Richard ordered DeLay’s gun license suspended during the hearing, in a default judgment because no one representing DeLay appeared.

But Richard received a Feb. 16 request from DeLay attorney Steve Brittain to appeal the suspension of DeLay’s gun license. So a transcript of the hearing in Richard’s court was forwarded to Fort Bend County Court-at-Law Judge Sandy Bielstein’s court.

Judge Bielstein said Friday that DeLay’s attorney never filed an actual appeal to state opposition to Richard’s order or the DPS decision to suspend the gun license.. . .

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Former Congressman Tom DeLay will not be allowed to get back his Concealed Handgun Permit because of bogus money laundering charge
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