A post by a Democratic Congressional candidate on the leftwing Daily Kos website compares terrorists in Iraq to Americans in the American Revolutionary War. I can give you one obvious difference: the popularly elected Iraqi government is begging for American help in fighting these terrorists.
It is important to distinguish between the militia, or death squads and the resistance, particularly when considering the amnesty aspects of the Reconciliation Plan crafted in Cairo last month. Over 95% of the Iraqi people oppose the presence of the U.S. troops in their country and consider the people the U.S. call "insurgents" to be patriotic freedom fighters -- no different that how we look at the people who fought in our Revolutionary War. Heroic titles go to the victors and if justice is to ever come to the people of Iraq, the people we call insurgents will have to be recognized as the ones who are actually defending their homeland. . . . .
Thanks to James for sending this to me.
Thanks to James for sending this to me.
Daily Kos compares Terrorists to Americans in the American Revolutionary War