After Right-to-carry laws have been in effect for a year Ohio has the same news stories everyone else has had

Ohioans have been carrying concealed weapons -- legally -- for nearly a year now, and so far, area law enforcement officials say they have not encountered the problems many feared.

Last April, when Ohio became the 46th state to permit law-abiding citizens to carry guns, some in law enforcement worried that routine traffic stops and road rage incidents would turn violent.

That hasn't happened.

``Knock on wood, so far it has been uneventful,'' said Portage County Sheriff Duane Kaley.

Through the end of February, more than 45,000 licenses have been issued in the state.

The article has a nice figure showing permit issuing rates by county in Ohio.

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After Right-to-carry laws have been in effect for a year Ohio has the same news stories everyone else has had
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