USA Today: "Companies that ban guns put on defensive"

The piece is obviously tilted against gun owners, but it is still interesting:
"Employers have long banned guns from the workplace as part of a violence-prevention strategy, but those policies are being tested as states pass laws making it easier for residents to carry concealed guns -- in some cases, crafting legislation that strikes down employers' attempts to keep guns off company property.

That means employers, who have traditionally shied away from such politically charged issues as gun control, are filing lawsuits to preserve their no-guns-allowed rules. "Are we promoting open firefights in the parking lot?" says Paul Viollis, president of Risk Control Strategies in New York. "For legislation to permit employees and contractors to bring loaded firearms to work in vehicles is blatantly irresponsible."

Gun owners are also fighting back, boycotting companies that ban guns or fire workers for having them."

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USA Today: "Companies that ban guns put on defensive"
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